M.Eng - Mining Engineering - McGill University

January 2022 - December 2023

A multidisciplinary understanding of the mining and metals industry and its challenges, as well as a deepening of my Data Science and Python skills through my research projects.

Course selection: Applied Machine Learning, Geostatistics, Reliability Analysis of Mining Systems, Mineral Economics, Mineral Processing, Rock Mechanics

Cumulative GPA: 4.0

Integrated M.Sc.Eng & B.Sc.Eng - Industrial Engineering - Specialization in Optimization and Data Science - CentraleSupélec

September 2016 - December 2023

Multidisciplinary program in one of the most prestigious french engineering schools of the Université Paris-Saclay leading to the french engineering designation (Dip. Ing.).

Course selection: Operations Research, Statistics and Machine Learning, Signal and Data Processing, Algorithmics, Modelling and Simulation, Control Engineering, Digital Twins, Industrial Engineering

Cumulative GPA: 4.0